Amanda Ginsburg
Amanda Ginsburg, one of Sweden's best loved jazz singers, is back with her third album!
Amanda Ginsburg, born and raised in the heart of Stockholm, has captured a wide and enthusiastic audience since her album debut in 2018, which has only grown since the release of her second album in 2020. Both were awarded the Swedish Grammy for Best Jazz Album!
On April 12 her third album ”Tur att jag kan skratta” (It’s Lucky I Can Laugh) was released on Ladybird/ Naxos.
Amanda is devoted to the legacy of Swedish jazz and chanson, doing what she can to bring it into the 21st century through the daily observations of a young contemporary woman. She inhabits a tantalizing combination of innocence and wisdom as well as a warm sense of humor. She has a talent for creating playful and poetic lyrics that merge effortlessly with the music.
”I wanted this album to have a lightness about it. To me a sense of self-distance and and ability to laugh at oneself is so important in order to stay humble and generous towards others as well as myself. To laugh is disarming and to laugh together unites us, whether it’s with a friend or a stranger. This album revolves around this theme.” - Amanda says.
Her co-producer and long-time pianist Filip Ekestubbe contributed with both arrangements and compositions co-written with Amanda. On this new album they’re joined by two great Danish musicians: Snorre Kirk (drums) and Anders Fjeldsted (bass).
Amanda Ginsburg has performed several times on Swedish National TV and has won numerous scholarships and prizes, including the SKAP Jazz Award (Swedish composers and lyricists) with the motivation:
”There is an echo of our legendary jazz singers in her music. She has the ability to create particularly charming songs which are inspired by her heritage, but she speaks in a completely unique voice.”
Photo: Fabian Rosenberg
Magnus Säll, Dagens Nyheter
"She should be counted as one among the really great Swedish jazz vocalists."
Album of the week at P8 Jazz, Danish Radio
"She is a master at interpreting the small chores, the pain, joy and sorrow of everyday life. She is actually so good at it that you feel like singing along to all the things that make up an entire life."
Tor Hammerø, Nettavisen (NO)
"With her warm voice and her solid jazz instinct, she takes this tradition a step further with Swedish lyrics and beautiful songs..."